I know it’s over now
And I have cried too many times
I must get over this
Bury my hope one last time
But then the wind reminds me of you
And the rain reminds me, too
When it snows I think of you
And the spring reminds me of you
And every day I think of you
Will you ever love me, too
Will you
Another day
And life goes on
I haven’t seen you for about two years
And soon there’s not much left to feel
You coldly closed that door too many times
Sometimes it’s like I see you here
It’s just my mind playing tricks on me
‘cause I will never see you again
I will move on
Won’t look back
But then the wind reminds me of you
And the rain reminds me, too
When it snows I think of you
And the spring reminds me of you
And every day I think of you
Will you ever love me, too
Will you
Esta é a letra da música One Last Time, da banda alemã Elane.
Esta música está presente no álbum The Silver Falls, de 2008, e é belíssima.
A sensação que se tem, quando o chão some debaixo de seus pés é horrível.
É escuro e solitário, e o único apoio se foi...
E tudo está errado.
E tudo lembra, tudo traz memórias...
Cheiro, toque, presença...
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